09-18-2017 09:40 AM
I downloaded Alfresco Activiti Trail.
Installation was smooth but when I try to login to Alfresco Process Services (in http://localhost:8080/activiti-app ) I get nothing. Empty page.
I started "start-process-services.bat" and got:
"Server startup in XX ms"
seems that tomcat is up - I get response from
Port 8080 is free.
My Catalina log is attached (No Errors...)
Does someone know why I cannot login into Process services?
I will be so glad for some help...
10-03-2017 11:14 AM
Thank you!
found the problem.
I installed the trail on machine that Activiti community 6 is not installed on.
thanks alot for your help
09-18-2017 10:55 AM
Hi Maayan,
Let's try to sort your issue.
09-18-2017 11:45 AM
Hi Martin,
Thanks for your quick replay.
1. I have downloaded the trial in the path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\alfresco\process-services-1.6.4.
downloaded from the site:
I think the version is 1.6.4 (maybe I wrong?)
2. yes - chrome & IE
3. I get the login screen. I insert username\password : admin\admin
I added a screen-shot of the page after I did login into activiti-admin (added as attachment to the question)
09-18-2017 12:09 PM
Have you had another version of ACS installed previously?
Maybe it's worth cleaning the browser cache and afterwards trying Ctrl+F5.
Reboot of your machine might be an option as well.
Since your admin console looks good so far, I'm wondering why the Activiti-app is not shown and apparently doesn't show any errors.
Try the above, and if this doesn't work, we'll go ahead with investigations
09-19-2017 03:03 AM
I was cleaning the browser cache data and did Ctrl+F5.
I did reboot to my machine.
I startes the server by "start-process-services.bat" and got an Error after "Server startup in XX ms"
The error apear in the Console but not in Catalina.log.
The error is-
"09:52:04,355 [pool-1-thread-1] ERROR com.activiti.service.ActivitiEndpointLicens
eService - Non-enterprise Activiti endpoint: Activiti app"
(The Error is attached to the original question)
Have you had another version of ACS installed previously?
I'm not sure what do you mean by ACS.
Can you please explain?
I have Activiti 5.18 and Activiti 6 installed on my machin. I use Apache-Tomcat in port 1248 to start them.
09-19-2017 04:32 AM
Hi again,
sorry for the wrong abbreviation. I said ACS, but meant APS. ACS stands for Alfresco Content Services, APS for Alfresco Process Services and APS is the enterprise edition for workflows, which you have downloaded.
So as far as I understand it seems you have multiple versions of Engines installed, so Activiti Community twice and APS Enterprise. This might cause some conflicts between each of this versions, so if you have a chance to install it on another machine or virtual machine without other Alfresco Workflow engines installed, would be good.
If not, may I ask you looking up the activiti-app.properties config and ensure that property email.enabled=false.
Further, I would like to ask you verifying again that the following values are correct on the Admin App configuration page:
After verifying the values are correct, re-enter the password to confirm the settings and that the admin password is the same.
I hope this will lead to a solution, but again, it would be good having no other tomcats and APS/Activitie instances co-existing on same machine.
10-03-2017 03:53 AM
Hi Martin,
Sorry for the delay and thanks for your answer.
"If not, may I ask you looking up the activiti-app.properties config and ensure that property email.enabled=false."
-> I did, and when I started the "start-process-services.bat" I got an ERROR as follow:
"Further, I would like to ask you verifying again that the following values are correct on the Admin App configuration page"
-> I have the same configuration:
"So as far as I understand it seems you have multiple versions of Engines installed, so Activiti Community twice and APS Enterprise. This might cause some conflicts between each of this versions, so if you have a chance to install it on another machine or virtual machine without other Alfresco Workflow engines installed, would be good."
-> The Activiti Comunnity runs upon apache-tomcant with different port. and the tomcat service is down.
Is it still a problem? If so, I will try to install on different machine.
Beside, I get this message when I get into activiti-admin:
Maybe It tells me something I don't understand?
any other suggestions what is wrong?
Maybe the error I got is suppose to lead me to the solution some how?
Non-Enterprise Activiti endpoint: Activiti app
I hope you didn't give up of helping me
looking foreword your Ideas...
10-03-2017 11:14 AM
Thank you!
found the problem.
I installed the trail on machine that Activiti community 6 is not installed on.
thanks alot for your help
10-11-2017 09:33 AM
Hi maayan levi,
no problem. Great to hear that it works now. Hopefuly you'll have a great experience with Activiti.
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