‎11-28-2018 08:59 AM
I'm trying to build an SQL query to pull out the audit trail of my processes, both during and after completion. I can only find the process instance data (ACT_HI_PROCINST) in the history tables but not the history of tasks (ACT_HI_TASKINST) and execution (ACT_HI_ACTINST). I can see the details in the database from the demo processes but not for mine. I've configured history to audit and that makes no difference. Any ideas?
‎02-05-2019 08:04 PM
I eventually solved this. There was an error in my SQL statement, which was completing successfully despite the missing " ' ", with 0 rows!
‎11-28-2018 12:44 PM
Have you tried using the API to create queries on the executing and historic processes, to see what the engine thinks is going on.
I have a vague recollection of hitting a similar problem some years ago with V5, where I was doing something that was delaying the transactions from committing - and the API queries allowed me to see where my problem was. What version are you on ?
‎12-09-2018 06:04 AM
Thanks for the hint.
I can certainly see more detail via the API. However, I'm only seeing user tasks though via the task history? Also, when I go back and look in the db after the process has completed there is still nothing for that process instance. I would've expect the commit to have occurred by then.
‎12-09-2018 08:55 AM
One thought. If a transaction roll back was occuring of course data would not be committed. Are you sure your tasks are sucessfully completing ?
I just had an issue with a process that wasn't doing what I expected. It was using a java service task with my code in it, which I suspected was causing the issue. When I put trace statements at the start and end of the process I saw it wasn't completing and a transaction timeout & roll back looked to be occuring.
‎12-11-2018 09:00 AM
I believe so, the process completes to the end. There's a couple of script tasks that definitely complete as they display an output.
I thought it would be straightforward to pull off a full audit trail of a process. Seems this may not be the case.
‎02-05-2019 08:04 PM
I eventually solved this. There was an error in my SQL statement, which was completing successfully despite the missing " ' ", with 0 rows!
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