12-05-2017 07:29 AM
problem is only in web. Webdav and samba works ok. I made some pictures, pic3 is weird because in path is missing "+".
Any hint how fix it ?
I use Debian 9 (x64).
12-05-2017 09:46 AM
I remember about this blog post, which seems to be the same problem you are facing with: https://blog.dbi-services.com/alfresco-unable-to-see-the-content-of-folders-with-in-the-name/
12-06-2017 02:45 AM
Well .. it didn't fix my problem but it gives me a hint. I have apache 2.4 and mod_jk 1.2.42.
201702GA works
201711EA works too
and mentioned 201707GA works on localhost without https too but not with https.
Dunno .maybe is problem in tomcat. Every version have different (7.0.59 .. 78 and 82)
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