02-17-2017 01:44 AM
the API of
only support Map<String,String>, but If I have a service task after the start form event, which need accept a boolean value or complex java bean. How can I pass process variable just like
startProcessInstanceById(String processDefinitionId, String businessKey, Map<String,Object> variables)
Same problem but not solved
02-19-2017 07:10 AM
Ok, Just because you use a start event (all processes MUST use some kind of start event), doesn't mean you have to start the process using a form.
There are many ways to start a process, if you want to inject variables other than Strings then you need to use the appropriate runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByID() or startProcessInstanceByKey().
02-17-2017 02:50 AM
why don't you use the startProcessInstanceById method? You could also pass your form variables there.
02-17-2017 02:57 PM
02-19-2017 07:00 AM
Hi Greg,
Because I used start form event, when user submit a form request then start a new process instance. I think that is why formService provides the function 'submitStartFormData'.
My start event:
<startEvent id="start" name="Start" activiti:initiator="applyUserId">
<activiti:formProperty id="f_name" value="${f_name}" name="Name" type="string" expression="#{contact.name}" required="true"/>
I need pass complex java bean 'contact' into process as process variables. Then use formService.submitStartFormData to start the process, the form variable should be a map, key is 'f_name', value is 'jeff'.
After the process instance started, I could get contact from process, the contact.name should equal 'jeff'.
02-19-2017 07:10 AM
Ok, Just because you use a start event (all processes MUST use some kind of start event), doesn't mean you have to start the process using a form.
There are many ways to start a process, if you want to inject variables other than Strings then you need to use the appropriate runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByID() or startProcessInstanceByKey().
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