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Can i modify the Alfresco Community Edition?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

In my project i have requirement CMS system i want to choose best one so i want to know first,

In the alfresco i want to modify the UI, add the custom document view, customize validation upload document type or document size and custom web page on alfresco Dashboard and many other changes.

can you told me how depth alfresco will change?

otherwise we have to use alfresco rest api or can i get all operation of Alfresco Software in alfresco rest api

Sergio SousaXena Lappin


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi ,

I suggest you give a look to GitHub - Alfresco/alfresco-ng2-components: Alfresco Angular 2 components 

This project allows you to build a custom application based on Angular4 on top of the Alfresco API.

The ADF project has already more than 50 components ready to use with the community API.

Hello eugenio romano

Thank you for answer me but,
If i want to do in this version of alfresco than is it possible? 

Hello eugenio romano,
       We must have to use java so we not working with the Alfresco ng2.

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

 this is strange, so my main problem in order to help you is that I need clear steps to reproduce the problem in my env. I also suggest you join in the gitter channel Alfresco/alfresco-ng2-components - Gitter 

Thank you so much