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Alfresco REST Search api case sensitivity query

We are using the Alfresco REST api : https:/[host]/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/searchWe have some custom properties like: "cstprp:dctype":"Procedure"if we search on it like this : {    "query": {       "query": "searchTemplate:*Pr...

Instantiate Activiti when database is down.

Hi,We are using activiti 5.22. We have a spring application which uses activiti apis. We have the following in our xml configuration:<bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class=""> <property...

gjaya26 by Champ in-the-making
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Multiple issue I'm facing on Alfresco Process Services

 Dears All, I'm trying to create a Proof of concept (PoC) implementing the below workflow and I faced the following issues:1- I link Alfresco Process Services with our active directory then I created groups in Alfresco Process Services Organization a...

matrix2526 by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Pourquoi je n'arrives pas a trouver la définition de mon fichier bpmn2 déployé lorsque je fais un appel REST dans Activiti-Rest

dans activiti-explorer je trouve mon fichier déployé et sa définition dans la liste des "process-definition"mais lorsque j'effectue un appel Rest sur activiti-restje ne trouves pas la définition de mon fichier déployévoila la requête : GET /activiti-...

f4khri by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! How to apply versioning in datalist

Hello,I am using Alfresco community version 5.2 . We want to apply versioning in data list , so that we can keep track of different versions of datalist. How can we achieve this ? please suggest me!.Warm Regards,

ppatel by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! create page with args

 Hi,  Ive tried this tutorial to create a new page home-page "Adding a new Surf page to Alfresco Share | Alfresco Documentation ",My question is how can i create this page with an argument so the url that i can use for examle /home-page?idworkflow={i...

inaam by Confirmed Champ
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Log delete operations in Node Browser

Hello thereIs there a way to log any delete operation performed in Node Browser by admins? Any operation log for Node Browser? We have a group of people with admin permissions, that can potentially delete documents but no way to know about deletes. T...

longinus by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! How to generate pdf from node and workflow metadata

Hello everyone!I am new to alfresco and received a task in which I have to implement a way to generate a report (preferably a pdf document) containing metadata from a node and it's associated workflows.The closest issue I found on the forum is Genera...

lex91 by Confirmed Champ
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