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Datalist to create content less information using CMIS

Hi,I want to store the employee information content less object format. So I have created a sub type of dl:dataListType instead of cm:content and then I am storing the employee metadata in that datalist.Also using CMIS code to populate this employee ...

How correctly override IntegrityChecker?

Faced a problem in which memory is being filled while adding an association. And I need to override the method in the class AssocSourceMultiplicityIntegrityEvent.List<AssociationRef> sourceAssocRefs = nodeService.getSourceAssocs(targetNodeRef, assocT...

ildar by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti Explorer 5.22.0 - Assign another user to the task

Hi, I am using Activiti Explorer 5.22.0. I am logged in as KERMIT and I am trying to assign a task to another user GONZO. But the list of other users in the system are not getting displayed. The "Select myself" button is working but I want to assign ...

rkaif by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco SDK 4.0

Hi All,Is there any way to install alfresco SDK 4.0 without docker. I have tried distribution zip, but it is not given any steps to install SDK 4 on eclipse.Can anyone please guide me on this?Thanks,Sandhya

Activiti 6 Oracle DB - superusers admin not working

Hi,I have installed activiti 6 community edition. It was working fine with in memory h2 db. I changed to Oracle DB and restarted the server. I am able to login with default users like kermit,gonzo,fozzie. But unable to login with admin/test superuser...

Resolved! Custom Workflow For start an workflow and send an email to user

Dear Team,I need workflow for when documents get imported/updated then workflow should start and mail has to send to user, So i have created script file for custom workflow, please refer following script for custom workflow:var workflow = actions.cre...

aishu by Champ on-the-rise
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Migrating YAWL files (*.ywl) to BPMN 2.0 schema files

Hi All-I’m a beginner in Activiti Engine and trying to migrate from YAWL engine to Activiti, but I have about 500 (*.ywl) files, which I’m trying to convert to BPMN 2.0 and I think it’s not reasonable to convert all of them manually or through Activi...

mabusafieh by Champ in-the-making
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