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Huge S3 - NOT FOUND ERROR Logs while all content looks in share

My community 5.2 with some customizations is running on linux 18 on DO server. contentstore is S3 bucket. Now an error S3 NOT FOUND is getting generated continuously in my logs. While DMS looks working fine with all the content. But these logs genera...

sumit by Champ on-the-rise
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Site Manager - lost/hidden sites

Hi,I have javascript that creates sites in main /Sites/ folder and than move these sites to subfolder structure /Sites/Customs/Category/[:: SiteNAME ::] path. Customs && Category are simple folders.My problem is that after "Move Site" operation this ...

spam by Champ in-the-making
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Looking for clustering options in Alfresco community

HI Team,I am looking for clustering in Alfresco community edition for Linux environment.From the forum, came to know that community edition does not provide support for clustering.What are the other alternatives we can use?1. If we utilize replicatio...

Resolved! Alfresco API Integration with Python 3.x

Hello,We are developing an application on Python 3 and Angular 4 and want to build a document management system through the alfresco API.To accomplish this we have tried to use CMIS library for python but the library is not supported in python 3. So,...

APS is not started ?

General error: "java.lang.RuntimeException: page[2088202] data leaf table:396 T396 entries:1 parent:2088340 keys:[1276769] offsets:[1428] parent 2088340 expected 99" [50000-176] HY000/50000 error is coming . I am using H2 Data base 

dharmraj by Confirmed Champ
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I can't delete a model

Hi, I can't delete a model created in Alfresco Share v5.2.f.These are the issues that appear in the Catalina log.ERROR [framework.webscripts.ResourceWebScriptPut] [http-apr-8080-exec-11] 487a355c-ce0a-4fff-bed7-2233e7d76617 : [

pherseux by Champ in-the-making
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