We're looking to override the default behaviour of the document-list component to call a custom API endpoint. As you know the default endpoint is:/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/<node-id>/childrenWe have our own custom endpoi...
Hi Guys,Is it possible to configure the alfresco cache to keep x number of nodes of a specific custom content type in the cache. For example an account folder type that once read will be cached to allow a faster read of metadata the next time it is ...
I would like to use the user set in "application.properties" as the application user to generate individual user tickets using the rest api service "generateTicket".To make a simple use case, I have an alfresco username/ClientConfiguration map "Map<...
How much does it cost to host a Joomla site, it depends on your need and budget. Now if your budget is very less and you want the best hosting in it. So I recommend you to use Joomla Web Hosting provided by NetForChoice. This is the best hosting comp...
Need some documentation to understand the API to be used to get list of all active and inactive users and their last login, we want to explicitly mark them inactive if not logged in last couple of days.
New releases available for both the editions of the Alfresco Process Services SDK kindly supported by Zia Consulting.APS SDK 2.2.0 includes the following improvements: Added support for APS 2.3.6, 1.11.4.x and 1.11.5Added remote debugging on port 500...
Salve, ho installate Alfresco Community Edition con docker seguendo questo link:https://docs.alfresco.com/content-services/community/install/containers/docker-compose/La mia domanda è la seguente:è possibile modificare l interfaccia di Alfresco e tut...
Team,How do I fetch all the docs and attachments related to a completed workflow of a given model?If that is achievable without any customization, please provide guidance/snippet on that.its APS 1.10.
Hi,We are trying to make Alfresco's swagger-ui (api-explore.html) also able to scan our custom-created API. We could enable for example OpenApi to scan our APIs importing the springdoc-openapi-ui dependency and creating new definitions with GroupedOp...
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