10-18-2021 11:10 AM
We are currently running Alfresco content services(6.2) in our development projects and would like to seek community's help on few questions we have.
We currently disable or delete few users based on their activity to maintain user count below a subscription threshold. So, we want to backup/store user data(like site membership) before disabling/deleting a user. Our idea now is to save user site membership information in a custom table inside alfresco's mysql database and restore that data when required.
we wanted to seek communuity's help to see if it's possible to write user information to Alfresco's database. If so, how do we perform CRUD operations on alfresco's database.
Thank you for your time.
10-18-2021 07:55 PM
It is a bad idea to CRUD directly on alfresco's database. Never touch database. Think about SDK methods.
10-19-2021 06:15 AM
10-19-2021 09:51 AM
thank you for your replies.
for existing users we can use something like "get-user-info", but for a deleted user do you think it is possible to retrieve the list of sites the user belonged to?
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