07-06-2018 09:44 AM
I have created a few custom aspect in alfresco 5.2.3. I have set them to visible in share UI and I can see them in the share UI.
When I right click on a site or folder and choose 'Manage Aspect', i see that the aspect name is listed as
undefined (order:InvoiceAspect)
insead of
Versionable (cm:versionable)
I am not sure why it is showing up as undefined. When I click on manage rules -> add aspect , I see that the name is showing up correctly.
Do I need to setup any local message properties that is required to show the name?
07-06-2018 12:22 PM
I believe the manage rules action uses the localisation of the aspect from the Repository-tier while the manage aspects action uses the Share localisation. If you have not defined an i18n property in a Share message bundle for your aspect, then the code may show undefined (given that there is no translation).
07-10-2018 11:54 AM
Thanks for your reply Axel. How can I add localization for my repository tier and is there any nomenclature to follow when I setup localization for my aspect properties?
07-10-2018 05:50 PM
Check the documentation - model localization is covered part of the content modelling extension point.
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