03-26-2021 02:59 AM
Hello Everyone,
I have developed a webscript which is getting the audit entries of all users and displaying them on a Custom Surf Page. Now the entries I am getting are check-in, check-out,Content/Fodler Create,Update,Copy,Move,Delete and User Creation but there are no entries for the change of folder's permissions. If a user changes a folder's permissions there are no entries for that change. I am using Alfresco Audit Rest API for getting the audit entries. How can I configure Alfresco to list the premission changes in audit entries?
Is there any other possible way that could get me the entries for change in folder's permissions?
03-26-2021 05:16 AM
Permission changes are not audited by the default alfresco-access audit application. You would have to create a completely custom audit application or override the alfresco-access application to both record and make available that kind of data. Setting up custom audit applications - which is also not a bog on system performance - is quite a complex undertaking, and typically not something that the majority of Alfresco devs ever (try to) do or manage.
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