05-25-2017 04:16 PM
I am trying to find the APIs to establish the relationships between records. There is a way to do it through the Alfresco web interface (Creating relationships between records | Alfresco Documentation ) , but I am having trouble finding the correct way to do it through the APIs. I tried the apache opencmis (Apache Chemistry - OpenCMIS Client API Developer's Guide ) to set the relationships but it is not showing that the two documents having established relationships in the Alfresco web interface.
Any help appreciated.
05-26-2017 01:30 PM
I figured it out by looking into the chrome developer tools and searching for the POST API that is called when the relationship is created. For those who want to know I used the following API to do the job:
API links:
API to use:
POST: alfresco/service/api/node/workspace/SpacesStore/085f4637-bbXXXXXX-74f350920c25/customreferences
"successMessage":"Successfully added relationship"
05-27-2017 05:38 AM
Maybe this helps:
Working With Custom Content Types in Alfresco | ECMArchitect | Alfresco Developer Tutorials
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