03-08-2018 05:37 AM
We are using the Alfresco REST api : https:/[host]/alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1/search
We have some custom properties like:
if we search on it like this :
"query": {
"query": "searchTemplate:*Procedure*",
" language": "afts"
"templates" : [
"name": "searchTemplate",
"template" : "(%cm:title OR %cstprp:dctype)"
It will find The documents which have Procedure on cstprp:dctype.
If we however replace the query with :
"query": "searchTemplate:*procedure*" (changed Procedure to a lowercase p)
It will yield 0 results and means it is case-sensitive.
A search on cm:title however is NOT case-sensitive.
How can we turn off case sensitive search for these custom properties in the search ( or in the whole search alltogether)?
03-08-2018 07:42 AM
I think this is a question about the content repository. Questions about the content repository go under Alfresco Content Services (ECM) . If you agree you should repost there or change the visibility of this question as the content experts currently aren't able to see this question.
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