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Alfresco MetaDBConnector Component

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

The MetaDBConnector Component allows to link database information (or any other public source) to the content on your Alfresco repository easly, without development efforts. This capability adds another level of information enrichment to your content as well as many alternatives for the integration of your data. The most important advantages of MetaDBConnector :

  • Easy to configure and trouble-free customization.
  • No coding for the extension of your Alfresco required.
  • XML format for store information, easily searchable, exportable and manageable.
  • Includes user interface control that lets you easily search and select data from your database for content's integration (multirow and multicolumn).
  • 230kb of core that allows you to enrich your content with large volumes of information.
  • Unlimited number of "Connectors", linked to any jDBC compliant database provider (thoroughly tested for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL and Oracle).
  • Powerful and highly flexible replacement for the classic Constraints.

Please feel free to download it, and try and experience who we keep helping you improving Alfresco.

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Community 4.0.x

Community 5.0.x

Community 5.1.x

Enterprise 4.0.x

Enterprise 5.0.x

Enterprise 5.1.x

License TypeGNU General Public License (GPL),Proprietary
Project PageGitHub - venziait/alfresco-metadbconnector: Store database complex information on Alfresco content m... 
Download PageGitHub - venziait/alfresco-metadbconnector: Store database complex information on Alfresco content m... 
TagsIntegration, Database, Module, jDBC, Share
Component TypeDocument Library,External Utility,Form,Integration
Extension PointsContent Model,Data Web Script,Java Service Class,Web Script,Share Admin Console Component,Share Form,Share Web Script
InstallationAMP, JAR
ProductsRepository, Share Web Client