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Alfresco from sdk 2.2.0 to sdk3.0.1

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Is it possible to convert an alfresco AIO project, built with sdk 2.2.0, to a new alfresco AIO project with sdk 3.0.1 The architecture is different: - sdk 2.2.0 => 6 Maven modules - sdk 3.0.1 => 3 Maven modules

I know that the xxx-repo-amp /src/main/amp/config/... files (2.2.0) move to xxx-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/... folders

But, for example where move the xxx-repo-amp /src/main/amp/WEB/ files ?

Thank you for your help ! 


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

The way I do that is to create a new project using the new archetype, and then moving the files from one project to the other.

Answering your question, the equivalent path in the new project structure is src/main/assembly/web/

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

In SDK 3.0, they are mapped with src\main\resources\META-INF\resources\${module-name}

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

thank you for answers but there is a problem in my question. I talk about repo-amp but my picture shows share-amp.

So this is a more explicit picture with initials structures, to ask my question (sorry) 

Thank you in advance

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I have my folders but now when i execute clean install alfresco:run etc... i have the following issue :

But this class is present in the .m2/repository .... and there is no issue in my source code. I can acces the source code of this class...

i have deleted .m2/repository folder and deleted alf_data_dev and execute the same command but i have the same issue...

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

It happens when the embedded Tomcat starts...

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Star Contributor

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

It works if i add the depencies in the parent POM.

If i just move the depencies declaration from the module to the parent project, it doesn't work. I have a lot of errors in my java code. It doesn't find the depencies decalartion in the parent POM....

Star Contributor
Star Contributor


When adding dependencies to your project, make sure you place the dependencies in the platform pom file, as well as the main project pom file (depending on your project setup you might have to put the dependencies in both the dependencies section and the dependencyManagement section of the main project pom file).