12-14-2017 02:49 AM
Is it possible to convert an alfresco AIO project, built with sdk 2.2.0, to a new alfresco AIO project with sdk 3.0.1 The architecture is different: - sdk 2.2.0 => 6 Maven modules - sdk 3.0.1 => 3 Maven modules
I know that the xxx-repo-amp /src/main/amp/config/... files (2.2.0) move to xxx-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/... folders
But, for example where move the xxx-repo-amp /src/main/amp/WEB/ files ?
Thank you for your help !
12-14-2017 04:34 AM
The way I do that is to create a new project using the new archetype, and then moving the files from one project to the other.
Answering your question, the equivalent path in the new project structure is src/main/assembly/web/
12-14-2017 05:07 AM
In SDK 3.0, they are mapped with src\main\resources\META-INF\resources\${module-name}
12-14-2017 06:54 AM
thank you for answers but there is a problem in my question. I talk about repo-amp but my picture shows share-amp.
So this is a more explicit picture with initials structures, to ask my question (sorry)
Thank you in advance
12-15-2017 02:38 AM
I have my folders but now when i execute clean install alfresco:run etc... i have the following issue :
But this class is present in the .m2/repository .... and there is no issue in my source code. I can acces the source code of this class...
i have deleted .m2/repository folder and deleted alf_data_dev and execute the same command but i have the same issue...
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