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Alfresco Community 23.4 deployment for Docker Desktop & Kubernetes

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi Community:

Recently I did some tests for deploying Alfresco Community in a Docker Desktop + Kubernetes environment. 

I used the following documentation:

The deployment of ingress-nginx and alfresco community is quite straightforward but finally (once every pod is ready and running) I have no access from local machine. So it seems that ingress part is not proxying conveniently. I deployed them in two different namespaces (alfresco and ingress-nginx).

I debug a little bit from Docker Desktop, and I can confirm that the repo is available and running, I can access via curl from nginx controller, but the nginx.conf file is not ok. It only proxies control center (not sure why) 

- Do you experience something similar with Docker Desktop, Kubernetes and Alfresco Community ?

- Do you know how to fix ingress-nginx ?

- Do you know another step by step tutorial for testing this ?

Kind regards and thanks in advance.



Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

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Hyland Developer Evangelist

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Thanks Angel, I will check this project for diving in Helm charts customization. It seems some kind of Alfresco Kubernetes installer. Do you plan to include addons ? 

