07-03-2019 12:09 PM
As already mentioned I am currently deploying Alfresco 6 for the first time on a W2019 server with PostgreSQL 11, tomcat 8 and openjdk 11.
Currentley everything seems to be configured in a proper way, but when I try to start the tomcat server, the server stucks at "Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext" and the side is loading for an endless time without a result.
I have changed the log level to debug and now I can see the following error in the alfresco.log:
connect fail to tcp://localhost:61616, reason {} java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
Is this the reason why the application context is not loaded, and if so, how can I resolve it?
07-09-2019 04:46 AM
Okay, I was able to resolve this issue. The reason is a lack in the documentation. With the default settings Alresco 6 needs a running ActiveMQ messageing server, otherwise it will not start. You need to add the following configuration to alfresco-global.properties to disable messaging:
I will write a short bloge entry how to deploy alfresco 6 as distribution, because this seems not to be well documented, link will follow.
07-09-2019 04:46 AM
Okay, I was able to resolve this issue. The reason is a lack in the documentation. With the default settings Alresco 6 needs a running ActiveMQ messageing server, otherwise it will not start. You need to add the following configuration to alfresco-global.properties to disable messaging:
I will write a short bloge entry how to deploy alfresco 6 as distribution, because this seems not to be well documented, link will follow.
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