05-15-2019 02:28 AM
Someone please help me in finding out the best practices for Handling Alfresco 6 replication, keeping below in mind.
Any pointers ... much appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance.
05-15-2019 10:31 PM
I don't know the purpose of your content replication. Replication jobs have certain limitations as it keeps the content as read-only at the targeted repository.
But as you have mentioned about the database transfer, I guess you want to set up a new instance of Alfresco using the existing instance.
If that is the purpose then the best way to do it is to back up and restore.
Take a backup of indexes, content stores, database and customizations you have made then restore these all to the newly installed instance.
There are standard backup and restore steps in the documentation http://docs.alfresco.com/6.1/concepts/ch-backup-restore.html
05-16-2019 09:56 PM
Thanks a lot Kintu Barot fo the reply.
Yes We want to create a new instance of alfresco in a different geographic region ( read only ) but the challenge is
the data should get replicated immediately ( with permissible latency ), including the revision history + Users / Groups created.
05-19-2019 09:28 PM
Restoring the backup of the old instance will create the instance with all the data, users and groups.
05-20-2019 12:22 AM
are you expecting to run / to login to the second, replicated Alfresco system? If not you make sure to replicate your alf_data/contentstore server directory (rsync jobs, block based replication, ...) and to set up a db replication. You should not start the second Alfresco system if you don't know what you're doing since you may corrupt your repository db.
If you intend to use both Alfresco installations on the same time (even in "read-only" mode) you need something like Alfresco cluster technology which is not part of the Community Edition (but there is a commerical cluster offer for the CE and a specific geo repo replication solution for EE).
Alfresco Replication is not a real replication but a copy job which creates a new independant node in the second system. The copied node has no metadata and a different node id). Alfresco Replication is not designed as a desaster recovery solution. We implemented a more sophisticated solution which is a more or less one way async Server2Server sync wich also replicates defined metadata but this is maybe also not what you expect?
If you expect to run more than one Alfresco system in an active mode clustering is not the perfect solution because it will slow your whole system down dramatically if not running in a low latency network. Instead you would need an async services which supports a locking mechanism respected from all involved systems to avoid conflicts which are very hard to handle. Unfortunately there is no such solution available I know of but maybe some will correct me?
could you please describe the solution and requirements more in detail, what your customer / your users expect?
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