05-11-2017 02:17 AM
I am facing on issue, setting up contentStore and Solr location on NAS drive. For most of previous version upto 5.1 I am successfully configured it, but in Alfresco 5.2 (Enterprise) when I setup ContentStore location and Solr index location to NAS, alfresco starts half and did not progress ahead (catalina.out stuck at one level)
INFO: Deploying configuration descriptor /opt/alfresco/alfresco520/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr4.xml
May 11, 2017 1:54:39 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.SetContextPropertiesRule begin
WARNING: [SetContextPropertiesRule]{Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
May 11, 2017 1:54:48 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
After above line it is not going ahead stuck only that location.
Note :
1) If I pointed solr to my default location /opt/alfresco/alf_data/solr4 ( it works)
2) If I pointed ContentStore to NAS and solr to default path as point #1 (it works)
3) If I point ContentStore and Solr both to NAS path (it is not working)
Now question is if I mis-configured solr here then below are the configurations I did , let me know if I missed anything
Change for contentStore (alfresco-global.properties)
For Solr4 (alfresco520/solr4/workspace-SpacesStore/conf/solrcore.properties)
For Solr4 (alfresco520/solr4/archive-SpacesStore/conf/solrcore.properties)
Tomcat ( tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr4.xml )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Context debug="0" crossContext="true">
<Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/opt/alfresco/alfresco520/solr4" override="true"/>
<Environment name="solr/model/dir" type="java.lang.String" value="/opt/NASdrive/alfresco520/alf_data/solr4/model" override="true"/>
<Environment name="solr/content/dir" type="java.lang.String" value="/opt/NASdrive/alfresco520/alf_data/solr4/content" override="true"/>
Make sure here I keep solr4 home as default not pointing to NAS.
Can anyone tell me what I am missing here? My point here is to move default solr location to NAS drive.
05-15-2017 03:16 AM
First of all, if any Java process seems "stuck", do a jstack analysis of the current execution to find out where it is stuck. The log file is typically useless to go off on, as it only shows you what worked and not what is being stuck right now.
I cannot advice putting an index on a NAS - usually it should be on system-local devices with the best IO rate possible (e.g. SSD).
05-19-2017 07:47 AM
Thanks Axel,
Yes that is correct Indexes probably better work with SSDs, but due to customer budget they plan to keep on NAS.
And thanks I will try jstack.
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