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Alfresco 4.2c pickerchildren location

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hi. I have a problem locating pickerchildren.get.js which is what I need to edit to get new property to the ftl. The thing is I located pickerresults.ftl which I was able to edit. I only was able to find this webscript in the tomcat directory 


I couldn't locate it directly in the codes, neither in the alfresco 4.2.c jar file.

Can someone help me locate this file?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

As you can see in the official svn, the file is located in the alfresco-remote-api.

alfresco-open-mirror - Revision 138279: /alfresco/COMMUNITYTAGS/V4.2c/root/projects/remote-api/confi... 

Anyway to override it you only has to follow extensión mechanism for web scripts creating your own versión of the file under an extensión folder in the package org/alfresco/repository/forms.
