07-21-2022 12:49 AM
I am trying the `adf-viewer-extension` but seems it's not reflecting.
Does anyone have idea?
My adf package version is 4.8.0.
(It works for other files like pdf, csv, png/jpg. I just want to explore if I can display word file.)
<adf-viewer id="dw-viewer-id" [(showViewer)]="showViewer" [displayName]="name" [blobFile]="content" (showViewerChange)="onViewerVisibilityChanged()" > <adf-viewer-extension [supportedExtensions]="['doc', 'docx']" #extension> <ng-template let-urlFileContent="urlFileContent" let-extension="extension"> <div>word</div> </ng-template> </adf-viewer-extension> <adf-viewer-more-actions *ngIf="enableDownload" id="dw-viewer-more-action-id"> <button mat-menu-item (click)="downloadContent()"> <mat-icon>file_download</mat-icon> <span>{{ 'ADF_VIEWER.ACTIONS.DOWNLOAD' | translate }}</span> </button> </adf-viewer-more-actions> </adf-viewer>
07-26-2022 06:13 AM
It seems to me that your problem has nothing to do with ADF. Make sure your local transformation services are up and running correctly (especially libreoffice)
09-21-2023 11:25 PM
This issue is coming while using blobFile in ADF viewer, you should try this...
<adf-viewer id="dw-viewer-id" [(showViewer)]="showViewer" [displayName]="name" [blobFile]="content" (showViewerChange)="onViewerVisibilityChanged()"
#adfviewer .....
@ViewChild('adfviewer', { static: false })
adfviewer: ViewerComponent;
private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef
if(this.content){ //blob content
this.adfviewer.viewerType = 'custom';
this.adfviewer.extensionTemplates[0].isVisible = true; // forcefully assign 1st template for blobFile value.
const url = URL.createObjectURL(this.content); // create blob url
this.adfviewer.urlFileContent = url;
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