05-13-2021 05:40 AM
Hi everyone,
I need make custom action toolbar button, which give me nodeIDs of selected files.
The case is about calling api with nodeIDs array infomartion.
in my custom view adf component I have:
<adf-toolbar title="Search folders by query"> <button mat-icon-button title="Run action" (click)="myCustomAction2($event)"> <mat-icon>replay</mat-icon> </button>
and in .ts file
myCustomAction2(event){ console.log(event); }
"event" contains many infomartion but i did not see my selected nodeRefs.
Can anyone help me please ? )
06-01-2021 09:23 AM
for (let row of this.data.getRows()) { if (row.isSelected == true) { console.log(row.getValue("nodeRef")); }
06-01-2021 09:23 AM
for (let row of this.data.getRows()) { if (row.isSelected == true) { console.log(row.getValue("nodeRef")); }
06-02-2021 01:20 AM
Hi @wity
Great that you found out how to do it - and thanks for showing us how! Really helpful to other users.
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