11-03-2017 12:15 PM
I am investigating a project option that has a process and content component so will be using APS and ACS, however the client application needs to isolate system of record as well as having a number of non process features (employee scheduler, profile manager etc).
I am considering bootstrapping the main application with JHipster (Angular2 version) and was wondering if anyone had successfully rolled the ADF Components into a JHipster generated app?
Even better, does anyone have a Yeoman sub generator to add ADF components to JHipster? (pipe dream here).
I see there is a little action with Activiti 7 and JHipster (I'm a big fan of both and see are really nice synergy here), but I don't have time to wait for Activiti7.
Any help appreciated.
11-03-2017 12:25 PM
Hi Greg,
nice idea, about yeoman you can give a look here :
GitHub - Alfresco/generator-ng2-alfresco-app: Yeoman Generator Angular 2 Alfresco Application
01-07-2019 10:41 AM
same problem here
01-09-2019 06:06 AM
We have a yeoman generator you can combine it or we can work together to create one
01-12-2019 05:36 PM
Hello Eugenio Romano
I integrated alfresco ADF with my app generated with Jhipster, when i add those two modules to my app.module.ts
// ADF CoreModule.forRoot(), ContentModule.forRoot()
the internatiolizatios in my app doesn't work any more ( internationalization works in ADF).
can you provide me more informations about how internationalization wroks in ADF ?
Thanks for your replay
01-12-2019 05:41 PM
hey @Greg Harley
i successfully rolled the ADF Components into a JHipster generated app.
i can help you with that
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