05-23-2018 10:54 AM
I am new with ADF. I installed alfresco 5.2 and activiti 6.
I generated a process management application ( https://community.alfresco.com/community/application-development-framework/blog/2018/01/25/building-... ), but i can't have any process app "Aucune app trouvée" shown in my page.
I am having [http-nio-9090-exec-4] WARN org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/activiti-app/api/enterprise/runtime-app-definitions] in DispatcherServlet with name 'apiDispatcher'
Can you please help me ?
05-24-2018 06:33 AM
Do you have APS or activiti ?
alfresco-ng2-components/PREREQUISITES.md at master · Alfresco/alfresco-ng2-components · GitHub
05-24-2018 06:42 AM
05-24-2018 06:44 AM
You need to have APS Enterprise. that is mentioned in every guide.
05-24-2018 08:16 AM
so you mean i can't use activiti stand-alone.
I am lacking Rest API is that the probleme.
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