07-21-2017 03:58 AM
Hi all,
I'm try to install and work with Activiti.
I'm looking to a BPMN that has a good admin console for monitoring the flows and their tasks, and for activiti I think that the activiti-admin.war is for that.
But when I deploy the WAR into a Tomcat the application looks like in the attached image.
I'm doing something wrong?
Thank you
07-21-2017 04:27 AM
I think the problem is that you're presumably using this with a locale for Italy and the application only seems to have translation files for English - Activiti/modules/activiti-admin/src/main/webapp/i18n at 6.0-release · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub . You'll find the labels from the screenshot in that file. If you were to create a copy of that file called it.json then I think you'd see labels from that file.
07-21-2017 04:27 AM
I think the problem is that you're presumably using this with a locale for Italy and the application only seems to have translation files for English - Activiti/modules/activiti-admin/src/main/webapp/i18n at 6.0-release · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub . You'll find the labels from the screenshot in that file. If you were to create a copy of that file called it.json then I think you'd see labels from that file.
07-21-2017 04:36 AM
Woow, now it works.
But I've another question, is it possible to set a default locale into the app?
Thank you
06-17-2018 06:01 AM
Hi chicco0386,
I'm new on Acti sorry to come back on the same problem "[Activiti 6.0] activiti-admin console looks bad in browser"
can you tell me how you solved it?...
07-21-2017 09:20 AM
The angular translate filter is being used to resolve the translations for each label of text. If a given label doesn't resolve to text for the locale then it shows the label itself. This handles cases where individual translations are missing for individual languages (it may be specific messages missing translations and not just whole files). I think a fallback could be set as the translateProvider does provide a fallbackLanguage option (e.g. $translateProvider.fallbackLanguage("en")) and that option isn't being used - Activiti/app.js at 6.0-release · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub
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