05-21-2018 01:15 AM
Looking for a WordPress Plugin to display document from alfresco.
As per https://github.com/MajesticComputerTechnology/alfrescodoc-wordpress the document should be available at https://camo.githubusercontent.com/bf8155208d2a62cccc7a1dc99aa57cae735e51a3/687474703a2f2f6465762e6d...
But the link is not working.
Any advice re where to get the documentation from would be appreciated.
05-21-2018 01:54 AM
File an issue in that GitHub repository and ask the developer for it...
05-21-2018 02:06 AM
Thank you for your suggestion. Providing the developer has not been showing up there at GitHub already for 17 months, does not seem he is accessible this way though.
05-21-2018 04:58 AM
But you didn't even try, did you? The company apparently still exists, so maybe they just haven't had anything to publish via GitHub in the meantime without any issues / requests comming in.
Since this is a not-well-known 3rd party integration from a different platform (WordPress), it is highly unlikely that anyone else active in the community has come into contact with it.
05-21-2018 11:41 AM
I am going to try. That's why I liked your suggestion, thank you.
As well as I am trying here despite low probability of resolution you are pointing to.
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