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Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

The following are some of the more common issues we receive in regards to Alfresco Trials. If you have a question not answered here, please post a new question in the  space (with the category and tag of "trial") and someone from our team or the community will help!

Question: How do I invite a teammate to the trial?  


Answer: Review the instructions here


Question: Why am I unable to login to my trial?

Things to check:

  1. Try the default username and password of admin / admin.
  2. Did you change the username and password from the default admin/admin? If so and you cannot remember what to, you’ll need to uninstall and re-install Alfresco One.
  3. Is there an error message associated with the problem? If so, try Googling it or posting it in the Alfresco ECM forum. 
  4. Did the installation complete? If not, what were the error messages associated?
  5. Are you able to reach the Alfresco Share Login page at http://localhost:8080/share? If not, then it’s likely there’s a problem starting the Alfresco application. Take a look at the logs and see if you can find an error on startup.


Question: Why I didn’t receive my email with download details?


Check your spam / junk email folders, and whitelist the email domain.


If you’re still unable to receive our emails, please reach out to Alfresco for assistance.