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Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

The purpose of this page is to document the specific release numbers and schemas associated with those releases for every GA release of Alfresco for both Enterprise Edition and Community Edition.

6.1.2-ga CommunityJanuary 14, 2019(r589dc49b-b205) schema 13001distributed as 201901 GA.
6.0.7 CommunityJune 28, 2018(r2ba893dd-b113) schema 10201distributed as 201806-GA.
5.2.g CommunityJuly 18, 2017(re21f2be5-b22) schema 10057distributed as 201707.
5.2.f Community (+RM)May 15, 2017(r135134-b14) schema 10005distributed as 201704. Same release as 201702 plus RM. Repository 5.2.f and Share 5.2.e.
5.1.3 EnterpriseApril 21, 2017(.5 rd7448b61-b38) schema 9056
5.2.f CommunityFebruary 2017(r135134-b14) schema 10005distributed as 201702. Repository 5.2.f.
5.2.e CommunityJanuary 2017(r134428-b13) schema 10005distributed as 201701. Bug fixes and library upgrades only. Repository 5.2.e and Share 5.2.d.
5.2.d CommunityDecember 2016(r133656-b12) schema 10005distributed as 201612. First GA release with new REST API that supports Angular2 components, download bundle contains different Repository and Share versions (Repository 5.2.d, Share 5.2.c)
5.1.2 EnterpriseDecember 2016(r133899-b20) schema 9,052
5.1.1 Enterprise(r128754-b138) schema 9031
5.0.4 EnterpriseOctober 2016(r130875-b30) schema 8046
4.2.6 EnterpriseOctober 2016
5.1.g CommunityMay 2016(r127059-b7) schema 10001distributed as 201605-GA, download bundle contains different Repository and Share versions (Repository 5.1.g, Share 5.1.f) EnterpriseApril 2016(r125579-b49) schema 9017superceded official 5.1.0 release
5.1.f CommunityApril 2016(r125711-b6) schema 10001distributed as 201604-GA
5.1.e CommunityFebruary 2016(r122274-b3) schema 9016
5.0.3 EnterpriseFebrurary 2016(r122151-b84) schema 8040 EnterpriseDecember 2015(r118129-b98) schema 8040latest hotfix to supercede official 5.0.2 Service Pack EnterpriseTBD(.1 r112141-b90) schema 8033
5.0.0 EnterpriseTBD(.5 r93737-b15) schema 8010
5.0.d CommunityMarch 2015(d r99759-b2) schema 8022
5.0.b CommunityApril 2015(r86473-b92) schema 8006
4.2.f CommunityTBD(r63893-b12) schema 6033
4.2.8 EnterpriseAugust 2017(r61fdc3e7-b9) schema 6200
Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Will upcomming alfresco version upgrate spring framework to releases e.g. 4 or 5?

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

There currently is an open issue in the Alfresco JIRA about upgrading the Spring framework to version 4 (ACE-5106) and/or 5 (REPO-1295)

Typically, Alfresco rarely commits itself to updating any of the included libraries in advance and only does this as necessary to provide a new feature. There are dozens of extremely outdated libraries packaged within Alfresco that Alfresco simply refuses to update since it would not provide any feature benefit.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

5.2.4 Enterprise -> Schema 10070