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Zip files do not get unzipped

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,

I am having problems drag&drop a zip file (which contains folders and files) into a share/site/documentlibrary.  I can drag the zip file into the location, it get copied to the folder but does not unzip.  I have looked for information regarding the problem on the forum but don’t seem to be any that help me to resolve this issue.  I have seen reference relating to import of content and I was wondering if this would help but I am unable locate this option.

Thank you for your help.


2015-06-15 10:42:01,615 WARN  [org.alfresco.repo.content.metadata.AbstractMappingMetadataExtracter] [http-apr-8080-exec-3] Metadata extraction failed (turn on DEBUG for full error):
   Extracter: org.alfresco.repo.content.metadata.TikaAutoMetadataExtracter@7b9c4afa
   Content:   ContentAccessor[ contentUrl=store://2015/6/15/10/41/d2983c55-6c11-486e-9804-b9448ce1cd50.bin, mimetype=application/zip, size=1567878571, encoding=UTF-8, locale=en_US]
   Failure:   nullnull
2015-06-15 10:42:16,731 INFO  [] [http-bio-8443-exec-6] Starting 'Transformers' subsystem, ID: [Transformers, default]
2015-06-15 10:42:17,304 INFO  [] [http-bio-8443-exec-6] Startup of 'Transformers' subsystem, ID: [Transformers, default] complete

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Tony,

I'm using Alfresco for quite some time now, but I never come across such functionallity.
Would you please put some article where this is stated as a feature? (Everytime I put a zip in docLibrary - every time it's just another file uploaded in the docs.)


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
There is no functionality to automatically unzip an archive on upload.   Files uploaded remain as they are.  

You could unzip with an action.   Off the top of my head I don't know whether such an action already exists,  but the necessary code is already within alfresco.     And you could define a rule to run that action.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Yes, indeed. There is no such functionality.

The advice of mrogers is pritty good and I wasn't aware that this could be added to alfresco.

But here are some topic that I found after some digging:
And this is the git project of the above add-on:
However both links do not include the latest version of the Alfresco 5.0.x, just the old ones.

Hope this helps!
