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Workflow: auto-assign task to an user

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everyone,

I'm new in Alfresco and I have to develop a custom workflow with Activiti.

One of the requirement of it is the usertasks auto-assignement.

In fact, I have an Alfresco group called "Workers".

What I need is to assign my first usertask to the worker with the minimum number of assigned tasks.

I already try to lauch this script before the first usertask in order to get the username of my worker.

But it always returns me the first worker.

var members = people.getMembers(people.getGroup("GROUP_Workers"));
var assignedTasks = workflow.getAssignedTasks();
var arrayCount = [];

for(var i = 0 ; i < members.length ; i++) {
   var name =["cm:userName"];
   for(var j = 0 ; j < assignedTasks.length ; j++) {
      var name2 = assignedTasks[j].properties["bpm:assignee"];

      if (name2 == name) {

var minValue = 999999999999999999999;
var minValueIndex ;

for(var i = 0 ; i < arrayCount.length ; i++) {
   if (arrayCount < minValue) {
      minValue = arrayCount;
      minValueIndex  = i;


In order to debug my code, I already try to put some "logger.log()" after setting this:

But it doesn't write anything.

Please, can someone help me?

Thank you for your help.

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
1.Please remember workflow.getAssignedTasks() will return <strong>all tasks that are assigned to the current user and that are currently in-progress </strong>
2.And if you want to change the assignment of a task you should use execution.setVariable("bpm_assignee", "assignee");
3.Which have you modified ,you should modify or classpath :alfresco/extension/*** Or you can just use
to print log information in console.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thank you for reply

Now, I can log what I want.

About the change of the assignment, I found something else but thank you for your solution.

Now, I have this:

var members = people.getMembers(people.getGroup("GROUP_Workers"));
var assignedTasks = workflow.getAssignedTasks();
var arrayCount = [];
for(var i = 0 ; i < members.length ; i++) {
   var name =["cm:userName"];   
        for(var j = 0 ; j < assignedTasks.length ; j++) {
      var name2 = assignedTasks[j].properties["owner"];
      if (name2 == name) {

var minValue = 999999999999999999999;
var minValueIndex ;

for(var i = 0 ; i < arrayCount.length ; i++) {
   if (arrayCount < minValue) {
      minValue = arrayCount;
      minValueIndex = i;
task.assignee =  members[minValueIndex].properties["cm:userName"];

When I execute this, it always assigns the task to my first worker.
I tried some logs and I discovered that "assignedTasks.length" value was always 0 (even if i have many workflows tasks launched).
And I'm not sure to understand what you wanted to mean by "workflow.getAssignedTasks() will return all tasks that are assigned to the current user and that are currently in-progress"

Could you give me more informations about it and my problem, please?

Thank you

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

I try to do the same thing. But I have some problems with the getAssignedTasks() method too.

It seems that it doesn't return what we want.

Maybe kaynezhang could explain better than me what doesn't work in you code?


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Here is a solution I made.

I use a serviceTask which calls this java class:

import helpers.ServiceHelper;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.activiti.engine.delegate.DelegateExecution;
import org.activiti.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate;
import org.alfresco.model.ContentModel;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.datatype.DefaultTypeConverter;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowTask;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowTaskQuery;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowTaskState;
import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class FindAgentWithMinimumTasks implements JavaDelegate {
   public static FileServerImplServiceStub webService;
   public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FindAgentWithMinimumTasks.class);

   public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
      execution.setVariable("defaultAgent", AuthenticationUtil.runAsSystem(new MyRunAsWork()));

   private static class MyRunAsWork implements RunAsWork<String> {

      public String doWork() {
         // We get all the agents
         List<String> listAgents = getAllAgents(ServiceHelper.personService.getAllPeople());

         // We init an array in order to count the number of tasks assigned to each agent
         int nbTasksAssigned[] = new int[listAgents.size()];
         // We get all the active tasks
         List<WorkflowTask> listTasks = getAllActiveTasks();

         // For each tasks
         for (WorkflowTask task : listTasks) {
            // We get the owner of the task
            String assignee = (String) task.getProperties().get(QName.createQName("{}owner"));

            // assignee == null => pooled task /!\
            if (assignee != null) {
               // For each agent
               for (int i = 0; i < listAgents.size(); i++) {
                  if (assignee.equals(listAgents.get(i))) {

         // Initializations
         long minValue = Long.MAX_VALUE;
         String usernameToReturn = "";
         // For each agents
         for (int i = 0; i < listAgents.size(); i++) {
            // We want the min value
            if (nbTasksAssigned < minValue) {
               minValue = nbTasksAssigned;
               usernameToReturn = listAgents.get(i);
   + " - " + nbTasksAssigned + " tâches");
         return usernameToReturn;

      private static List<String> getAllAgents(Set<NodeRef> setUsers) {
         ArrayList<String> listUsers = new ArrayList<String>();
         // For each active user
         for (NodeRef users : setUsers) {
            // We get the username
            String userName = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, ServiceHelper.nodeService.getProperty(users, ContentModel.PROP_USERNAME));
            // We add the user to the list if he belongs to the group "Agents"
            if (isAgent(userName)) {
         return listUsers;
      private static boolean isAgent(String userName) {
         // We get all the groups of the user
         Set<String> groupsUser = ServiceHelper.authorityService.getAuthoritiesForUser(userName);

         // For each group
         for (String groupName : groupsUser) {
            if (groupName.equals("GROUP_Agents")) {
               return true;

         return false;
      private static List<WorkflowTask> getAllActiveTasks() {
         WorkflowTaskQuery workflowTaskQuery = new WorkflowTaskQuery();
         // We want all the "IN PROGRESS" tasks
         return ServiceHelper.workflowService.queryTasks(workflowTaskQuery, true);

The "defaultAgent" variable is used as the assignee of my first userTask.

And this is the code of my ServiceHelper class that is used inside the FindAgentWithMinimumTasks class

import org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileFolderService;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentService;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeService;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.version.VersionService;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowService;

public class ServiceHelper {
   //public static ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry; = org.alfresco.web.bean.repository.Repository.getServiceRegistry(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
   public static ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;
   public static WorkflowService workflowService;
   public static FileFolderService fileFolderService;
   public static VersionService versionService;
   public static SearchService searchService;
   public static ContentService contentService;
   public static NodeService nodeService;
   public static PersonService personService;
   public static AuthorityService authorityService;

   public void setServiceRegistry(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry){
      ServiceHelper.serviceRegistry = serviceRegistry;
   public void init(){
      workflowService = serviceRegistry.getWorkflowService();
      fileFolderService = serviceRegistry.getFileFolderService();
      versionService = serviceRegistry.getVersionService();
      searchService = serviceRegistry.getSearchService();
      contentService = serviceRegistry.getContentService();
      nodeService = serviceRegistry.getNodeService();
      personService = serviceRegistry.getPersonService();
      authorityService = serviceRegistry.getAuthorityService();

And don't forget to define a bean file in order to call the init method of ServiceHelper

Hope this help