01-30-2014 04:32 AM
c:\app\Human Resources Application>install-workdesk-hr.bat -ap c:\develop\apache-tomcat-7.0.47_previp\webapps\alfresco -u admin -p admin
Exception in thread "main" com.wewebu.ooa.OwOAIncompatibleAfrescoException:
The Alfresco deployment at c:\develop\apache-tomcat-7.0.47_previp\webapps\alfresco
is not compatible with this version of the
Workdesk Human Resources Application installer!
at com.wewebu.ooa.OwOpenAir.install(OwOpenAir.java:53)
at com.wewebu.ooa.OwOpenAir.main(OwOpenAir.java:279)
01-30-2014 05:16 AM
01-30-2014 06:06 AM
01-30-2014 06:38 AM
-ap c:\develop
01-30-2014 09:49 AM
2014-01-30 14:41:20,589 [main] INFO OwOpenAir [] - Starting [Alfresco 3xx Stop]
2014-01-30 14:41:24,043 [main] INFO OwOpenAir [] - CMIS Repository Main Repository
2014-01-30 14:41:24,044 [main] ERROR OwOpenAir [] - Failed to gnip CMIS WS @SIMPLE_CMIS{http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmis} >> Sleeping …
2014-01-30 14:41:24,045 [main] WARN OwOpenAir [] - Alfresco online @ [CMIS connction to SIMPLE_CMIS{http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmis} ]
2014-01-30 14:41:24,048 [main] INFO OwOpenAir [] - Stopping [Alfresco 3xx Stop]
2014-01-30 14:41:24,049 [main] FATAL OwOpenAir [] - fatal error on running action [Alfresco 3xx Stop]. Undoing changes.
com.wewebu.ooa.OwOAInstallError: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "c:\develop/servicerun.bat" (in directory "c:\develop"): CreateProcess error=2, Impossibile trovare il file specificato
at com.wewebu.ooa.ace.OwBatchScript.run(OwBatchScript.java:61)
at com.wewebu.ooa.ace.OwAlfrescoBatchAction.runBatchScript(OwAlfrescoBatchAction.java:21)
at com.wewebu.ooa.ace.OwStopAlfresco3xAction.runBare(OwStopAlfresco3xAction.java:37)
at com.wewebu.ooa.OwInstallActionBase.run(OwInstallActionBase.java:21)
at com.wewebu.ooa.OwOpenAir.install(OwOpenAir.java:87)
at com.wewebu.ooa.OwOpenAir.main(OwOpenAir.java:279)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "c:\develop/servicerun.bat" (in directory "c:\develop"): CreateProcess error=2, Impossibile trovare il file specificato
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
at com.wewebu.ooa.ace.OwBatchScript.run(OwBatchScript.java:41)
… 5 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException: CreateProcess error=2, Impossibile trovare il file specificato
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.create(Native Method)
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(Unknown Source)
… 9 more
2014-01-30 14:41:24,053 [main] FATAL OwOpenAir [] - deleting c:\develop\oat\workdesk-hr\1_Stop_Alfresco
@echo off
rem START or STOP Services
rem ———————————-
rem Check if argument is STOP or START
set "CATALINA_HOME=C:\develop\tomcat"
if not ""%1"" == ""START"" goto stop
if exist C:\develop\tomcat\bin\startup.bat (start C:\develop\tomcat\bin\startup.bat)
goto end
echo "Stopping services …"
if exist C:\develop\tomcat\bin\shutdown.bat (start C:\develop\tomcat\bin\shutdown.bat)
2014-01-30 15:38:32,002 [main] INFO OwOpenAir [] - Successfully ran Workdesk Hu
man Resources application installer @ Alfresco Community Edition 4.2.x
01-30-2014 10:02 AM
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