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Windows 7 Network Share write access

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Comm!

I set up last days a Alfresco Community 3.4.c and it is nearly working fine. I am very happy about this piece of software   😎

Server is a Ubuntu 10 and most clients are Windows XP. The problem childs are new Windows 7 Clients.
(Auth is done with Windows 2003 AD DC - working fine on share, explorer and xp nw-share)

From Windows XP i can connect via network share. \\server\alfresco\*etc*
I can write, open, read and delete without any problems.

On Windows 7 i can only see the folder structure and open e.g. pdf files for reading.
Deleting files, copy files from desktop to share and creating new files is not possible over the network share.

Where i can locate and fix the issue?

Many thanks in advance!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
My problem still exists … No one have a idea?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I'm surprised…    Normally the problem with Windows 7 clients is that they can't authenticate at all due to the use of NTLMv2.

I wonder whether you are somehow failing to log on from Windows 7 and falling back to "guest" access instead.   
Strange …

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have come across a requirement for integration Alfresco with AD and something to do with NT login.
What NT login means, I am not sure.
I know alfresco can be integrated with AD. But I need to know how exactly can users logging on to a machine, directly be logged on to Alfresco and other custom applications.
In your case, can users directly login to alfresco after logging on to the Desktop itself?
Pls help.. if you can pass on any links for study purposes..
Thnx in advance!