Hi all ,
I have installed Alfresco Labs 3 in a linux machine (Red Hat Enterprise Linux nash version 5.97)
The ip of this machine is and the name is lxsrv36.
I have created a web project and bulk imported static html pages into the project .
In the linux machine when I click on the "Preview Website" link in the sandbox of my web client , I can preview the web pages .
When I use the client from a windows machine and try to Preview my website I get a " Page cannot be Displayed " message Internet Explorer . I have tried the same from Mozilla Firefox . But the preview page is not displayed .
I have done the following to resolve this issue :
1. stopped and started the virtual server in the linux machine .Checked the log for virtual server startup . No errors .
2. opened /opt/Alfresco/virtual-tomcat/conf/alfresco-virtserver.properties and set the following :
alfresco.virtserver.domain = 10-0-0-36.ip.alfrescodemo.net
3. in the host file of my windows machine I have added the following urls 10-0-0-36.ip.alfrescodemo.net dhr.www–sandbox.10-0-0-36.ip.alfrescodemo.net admin.dhr.www–sandbox.10-0-0-36.ip.alfrescodemo.net
I still cannot see the preview page from my windows machine .
But the preview is available in the linux machine where Alfresco is installed .
It is urgent . Please help .