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webscript synchronized problem

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
hello everyone:

I hvae meet a problem about execute a same webscrpit twice at the same time.
The second webscript executed when the first's unfinished.
The main job of the webscript is updating or creating node by a imported file.
Before the creating node, script will check the same name node existed or not.
only the unexisted condition that occuring the creating execution.

Here is the problem:
if the first webscript create a node named "AAA" and commit to the UserTransaction

(UserTransaction transaction = serviceRegistry.getTransactionService().getUserTransaction())

then the second webscript also need to create node "AAA",
but this time, the exeisting check of second webscript is uneffected.
so the second webscript will occure a DuplicateChildNodeNameException;
   "org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.DuplicateChildNodeNameException: Duplicate child name not allowed: AAA"

so will  webscript synchronize data before it finished the executing?

so is anyone have faced the problem like this before?
Thanks for the help first~

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
As you state the problem seems to be that your second transaction does not see the new node because it was created in a parallel transaction so it tries to create it and throws a duplicaChildNodeNameException.

Alfresco has a <a href="" target="_blank">RetryingTransactionHelper</a> that could make your code retry in case of a failure like this. But keep those things in mind:

1.- Call <a href=", boolean, boolean)">doInTransaction</a> so that a new transaction is used, otherwise you won't see the new node in the second attempt either.
2. - Only some <a href="">exceptions classes</a> cause retrying,so you might have to capture DuplicateChildNodeNameException and rethrow it as one of those exceptions.

Good luck