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v1.4.0 conversion HSQL to MySQL v5.0.27 not working as expec

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am new to Alfresco, and searched in the forum for a few hours before posting this.

:?: The problem: The content that I add still goes in alf_data .

I run XP pro SP2 and all recent updates

* I installed java sun 1.6 jdk-6-windows-i586.exe

* I installed alfresco community from the package and explored the functions, all in HSQL

* I stopped the alfresco server

* I installed MySQL from mysql-essentials-5.0.27-win32.msi , InnoDB is started as a service

* I renamed the 3 tomcat\shared\classes\alfresc\extension\custom… to custom… .del

* I renamed alf_data to alf_data_del

* I created the database Smiley Embarassedmysql –user=root –password=xyz < db_setup.sql
I see now a third database with "MySQL Administrator" ; Catalog name = alfresco, it contains no tables and no indices

* I started the Alfresco server again
alfresco in MySQL now contains 49 tables and 178 indices
:!: but alf_data is recreated, almost the same structure, but without the hsql_data folder. 

*   :evil: When I add content:
ibdata1 : the size does not increase, however the Modified date changes.
alf_data : content is added in contentstore\2006\…. reflecting what I added

What did I do wrong ?

Thks a lot if somebody can guide me

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
This is correct - by default the file content is stored in alf_data directory are so are the Lucene full-text indexes. Only the meta-data describing the content and the attributes and associations are stored in the database. We have found that using the filesystem for what it's best at (storing files) and the database for only storing meta-data about the files is the optimal solution for most implementations. It would be possible to create your own services for Alfresco that store the content in DB blobs if you prefer, as all services in Alfresco are pluggable and can be replaced.

