02-11-2013 07:14 AM
* Client-side JavaScript library.
// Defines root namespace
if (typeof MyCustom == undefined || !MyCustom) {
var MyCustom = {};
// Defines top-level "custom" namespace, which will contain customization or extensions of existing components or objects in Alfresco
MyCustom.custom = MyCustom.custom || {};
// Defines top-level "util" namespace
MyCustom.util = MyCustom.util || {};
* Renderization and submission of forms generated by Forms Engine via Ajax requests.
* To know more about forms engine, invocation parameters and behavior: http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Forms_Developer_Guide
* @class MyCustom.util.AjaxFormUI
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
MyCustom.util.AjaxFormUI = function(htmlId, components)
components = YAHOO.lang.isArray(components) ? components : [];
return MyCustom.util.AjaxFormUI.superclass.constructor.call(
YAHOO.extend(MyCustom.util.AjaxFormUI, Alfresco.component.Base,
* The default render config used by method render()
* @property options
* @type object
itemId : null,
mode : null,
htmlid : null,
container : null,
successCallback : null,
successMessage : null,
failureMessage : null,
cancelCallback : null
* Reference to the DOM element which wraps up the form
* @property formWrapper
* @type HTMLElement
formWrapper: null,
* Retrieves and renders the form by performing a request to the forms engine according
* to the configuration object provided.
* @method renderForm
* @param config {object} Description of the form to be generated
* The config object has the following form:
* {
* itemId : {string}, // The identifier of the item the form is for, this will be different for each "kind" of item, for "node" it will be a NodeRef.
* mode : {string}, // The mode the form will be rendered in, valid values are "view", "edit" and "create".
* htmlid : {string}, // The htmlid of the current Surf component
* container : {HTMLElement|string}, // Where the form will be allocated
* successCallback : {Object} // A callback object literal used on form submission success
* successMessage : {String} // A submit success message
* failureMessage : {String} // A submit failure message
* cancelCallback : {String} // A callback object literal used when form's cancel button is pressed
* }
render: function() {
// TODO: to check mandatory options/parameters
// Perform AJAX request to get form content from Forms Engine
url: Alfresco.constants.URL_SERVICECONTEXT + "components/form",
htmlid: this.options.htmlid, // Ensure unique IDs
itemKind : "node", // It is fixed at the moment but could be dynamic in the future
itemId : this.options.itemId,
mode: this.options.mode,
submitType: "json",
formUI: true,
showCancelButton: true
successCallback : {
fn : function(response)
// Create form wrapper where the form content is going to be inserted
this.formWrapper = document.createElement("div");
this.formWrapper.setAttribute("id", this.options.htmlid + "-form-wrapper"); // Set appropriate id attribute
this.formWrapper.setAttribute("class", "share-form"); // Set appropriate class
// Fill the wrapper with the form component returned by the XHR request into
this.formWrapper.innerHTML = response.serverResponse.responseText;
// Append form wrapper to container element
scope : this
failureMessage : Alfresco.util.message("message.failure"), // Generic failure message
scope: this,
execScripts: true // Automatically executes script tags (<script>) returned in the forms engine's response
// Adjust form to work in dialog
YAHOO.Bubbling.on("formContentReady", this._onFormContentReady, this);
// When form is submitted make sure we hide the dialog after a successful submit and display a message when it fails.
YAHOO.Bubbling.on("beforeFormRuntimeInit", this._onBeforeFormRunTimeInit, this);
* @method _onFormContentReady
* @param layer
* @param args
* @private
_onFormContentReady: function(layer, args)
if (Alfresco.util.hasEventInterest(this.options.htmlid + "-form", args))
// Close dialog when cancel button is clicked
var cancelButton = args[1].buttons.cancel;
// Destroy the form when cancel button is clicked, by default
cancelButton.addListener("click", this._destroy, this, true);
// Execute custom function on button click if the object that describes it exists
if (this.options.cancelCallback && YAHOO.lang.isFunction(this.options.cancelCallback.fn))
"click", // Event triggered
this.options.cancelCallback.fn, // Function executed
this.options.cancelCallback.scope || {}, // Scope
true); // The custom object that is passed is used for the execution scope (so it becomes "this" in the callback)
* @method _onBeforeFormRunTimeInit
* @param layer
* @param args
* @private
_onBeforeFormRunTimeInit: function(layer, args)
if (Alfresco.util.hasEventInterest(this.options.htmlid + "-form", args))
successCallback :
fn : function PopupMananger_displayForm_formSuccess(response)
// Destroy the form wrapper and its content
// Invoke success
if (this.options.successCallback && YAHOO.lang.isFunction(this.options.successCallback.fn))
// TODO: does the callback function really needs to receive arguments??
this.options.successCallback.fn.call(this.options.successCallback.scope || {}, response, this.options.successCallback.obj)
scope : this
successMessage : this.options.successMessage,
failureMessage : this.options.failureMessage
* Implements self-destruction of the component
* @method _destroy
* @param event
* @param obj
* @private
_destroy: function(event, obj)
// Remove the form wrapper from the DOM
// Form destruction signal
// Unsubscribe events
YAHOO.Bubbling.unsubscribe("beforeFormRuntimeInit", this._onBeforeFormRunTimeInit, obj);
YAHOO.Bubbling.unsubscribe("formContentReady", this._onFormContentReady, obj);
// Clean instance attributes
delete this.formWrapper;
// Invoke super (Alfresco.component.Base) destroy method
var form = new MyCustom.util.AjaxFormUI();
itemId : "workspace://SpacesStore/73ddea6e-c937-4db3-af65-44c82150a72f",
mode : "edit",
htmlid : parent.id,
container : Dom.get(parent.id + "-container"),
fn: parent.onCreateUserFormCancelClick,
scope: parent
successMessage : parent._msg("message.update-success"),
fn: parent.onCreateUserFormCancelClick,
scope: parent
02-12-2013 07:36 AM
03-07-2013 02:40 PM
03-13-2013 01:10 AM
06-19-2013 04:25 AM
06-19-2013 06:11 AM
08-19-2015 10:48 PM
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