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userTask with formProperty using activiti:expression

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Given the following userTask defintion, the formProperty gets no value assigned. Assumption: activiti:expression raises the issue.
      <userTask  id="sid-E646E275-5000-48BB-A728-0016198C9158" "name="Weighing" >
                <signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#FFFFCC"/>
                <activiti:formProperty id="deviceID"  name="ID of Device:" activiti:expression="${measurement.getDeviceID()}" required="true" />

When using the following userTask definition, the value gets properly assigned. Why does the first case not work?

    <userTask  id="sid-E646E275-5000-48BB-A728-0016198C9158" "name="Weighing" >
                <signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#FFFFCC"/>
                <activiti:formProperty id="deviceID"  name="ID of Device:" expression="${measurement.getDeviceID()}" required="true" />

In both cases the following service task runs in upfront, so that both userTasks have a valid process variable measurement.

      <serviceTask id="sid-8BA4EC63-5264-46A0-AFB9-661AA8882AF0" activiti:class="server.controller.CreateMeasurementDelegate" name="Create Measurement">
            <signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#ffffcc"/>

Best regards,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Why does the first case not work?

Because you've repeated the 'activiti:' prefix. Seems not to be valid XML.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, your remark makes sense, but when I deployed this usertask it gets accepted by the activiti explorer.

Nevertheless, I would expect that in this case the phaser should throw an exception saying that "the attribute 'expression' is already bound to namespace 'activiti'" so that I can fix this issue. Just ignoring the invalid bpmn and letting the phaser succeed the validation isn't a good design. In addition at execution time the attriubte is ignored as well. In this case a user absolutly has no clue that he did a mistake.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You're absolutely right. We're currently completely rewriting the parser and things like these will be picked up.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Altough it might be tricky to do … because according to the XSD it is of course valid …