11-12-2010 06:20 PM
# Frequency of Minor Correction Workflow report.
my_module_id.job.workflow_report.minor_correction.cron=0 0/5 * * * ? *
# Frequency of Final Author Review Workflow report.
my_module_id.job.workflow_report.final_author_review.cron=0 0/5 * * * ? *
# Frequency of Minor / Exam Revision Workflow report.
my_module_id.job.workflow_report.minor_exam_revision.cron=0 0/5 * * * ? *
# Frequency of Records Management Audit report.
my_module_id.job.rm_audit_report.cron=0 0/2 * * * ?
# Should Minor Correction Request workflow be re-deployed on application start-up?
# Will result in new versions of the workflow being created in Alfresco.
# Dev Environments = true
# QA Environments = true
# UAT Environments = true
# Staging Environments = false
# Production = false
# Should Final Author Review workflow be re-deployed on application start-up?
# Will result in new versions of the workflow being created in Alfresco.
# Dev Environments = true
# QA Environments = true
# UAT Environments = true
# Staging Environments = false
# Production = false
# Should Minor / Exam Revision workflow be re-deployed on application start-up?
# Will result in new versions of the workflow being created in Alfresco.
# Dev Environments = true
# QA Environments = true
# UAT Environments = true
# Staging Environments = false
# Production = false
# Maximum number of courses to display in My Courses dashlet at any one time.
# The smaller the value, the greater the performance.
# The name of the Alfresco datalist used to generate the RM Audit Report.
# Should never need to be changed.
my_module_id.rm.audit.datalist=Records Management Change Log
Job: Workflow Summary Report (Minor Correction)
Description: Generates a DCMP workflow summary report.
<bean id="requestMinorCorrectionActivityReportJobDetail" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean">
<property name="jobClass" value="my.package.bi.components.report.jobs.WorkflowActivityReport" />
<property name="jobDataAsMap">
<entry key="callbackCommand" value-ref="workflowActivityReportCallbackCommand" />
<entry key="transactionService" value-ref="TransactionService" />
<entry key="workflowModel">
<util:constant static-field="my.package.common.models.wf.DcmpWorkflowModel.MinorCorrection" />
<property name="jobDetail" ref="requestMinorCorrectionActivityReportJobDetail" />
<property name="scheduler" ref="schedulerFactory" />
<property name="cronExpression" value="${my_module_id.job.workflow_report.minor_correction.cron}" />
<bean id="module_id_properties" parent="common-placeholder-configurer">
<property name="ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders" value="false" />
<property name="properties" ref="global-properties" />
<property name="localOverride" value="false" />
<property name="systemPropertiesModeName" value="SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_NEVER" />
<property name="locations">
11-15-2010 01:37 AM
11-15-2010 11:10 AM
11-19-2010 04:54 PM
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="location" value="classpath:alfresco/module/module_id/module_id.properties" />
<property name="placeholderPrefix" value="%{module_id:" />
<property name="placeholderSuffix" value="}" />
<bean id="module_id_maxVersionPolicy" class="company.id.alfresco.common.policies.MaxVersionPolicy" init-method="init">
<property name="maxVersionPolicyCandidateSpecification" ref="module_id_maxVersionPolicyCandidateSpecification" />
<property name="policyComponent" ref="policyComponent" />
<property name="versionService" ref="versionService" />
<property name="maxVersions" value="%{module_id:policy.document_versioning.maxVersions}" />
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