Recently we have upgraded our alfresco enterprise edition (3.4.8) to 3.4.13. But we experienced very serious performance issue. When we do search (lucene type of search), simply type in query from "node browser" with lucene selected. It almost takes 30 seconds to 2 minutes. If you go to document detail page to search association, it also takes long time. By digging down, it is basically related to lucene search. We did upgrade a few of times. We set indexing mode as "AUTO", not see any problem for indexing. What does cause lucene search performance issue. I am trying to do FULL INDEX but failed due to OutOfMemory. But I don't think that it is right solution for production environment. If someone has similar situation and has solution, would you please share with us? We are prepared for production upgrade, had ticket couple of weeks ago but still not get right answer from alfresco. Thanks in advance.