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Tomcat failure after patch

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello. I had problems with when working in /share. So i found this topic
As it was mentioned in it, I downloaded from here:

]GoogleDocs integration
File   Description
alfresco-googledocs-repo-2.0.3-23.amp   Repository AMP for GoogleDocs integration
alfresco-googledocs-share-2.0.3-23.amp   Share AMP for GoogleDocs integration

I copied first file to \Alfresco-4.2c\amps
second to \Alfresco-4.2c\amps_share

then I ran the apply_amps.bat script

So now I cant enter alfresco ;(

First tomcat was saing there was an error and thats it, but then it opened the login page (but somehow with older graphics, from v. 3.x I belliev and non of my users can enter including admin.

Please help. I didnt performed a backup for a while now =(

I run Alfresco comunity on win server 2003 enterprise edition

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I performed this aply_amps script several times so i dont think i can restore them(

I changed google.doc amps but then tried to put the old ones back and perform apply_amps once more.

Nothing else was done

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I understand that alfresco needed to be stoped.
But i didnt stoped it. So what to do now?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Every time you excecuted apply_amps script ,alfresco will make a backup of the war,so there are several file named alfresco.war-****.bak.
You can :
1.stop tomcat server,and rename the oldest one to alfresco .war in "%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps directory.
2.excecut apply_amps script.
3.start your tomcat server.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
We need to understand what went wrong on your first posting.    Although running apply amps on a running system is not advisable it shouldn't cause damage.

You may like to install another instance of alfresco so you can compare the files below the webapp/alfresco and webapp/share to see what's missing.   Also look in your alfresco.log file to get diagnostoic information.

The good news is that your database and content haven't been touched so your data is safe.   

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I tried to check the missing files on other computer. I installed 2 ver. Of alfresco. On one of them i ran the script to cause the same damage. I found some folders were empty on the damaged version. I checked folders that r specified in the clean_tomcat %CATALINA_HOME%\work\Catalina\localhost\share"
This folder was empty.and some others

I tried to simply copy the files from the working app but ot didnt help

Glad to hear my db is not damaged! Tnx for your asist

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The work folders contain temporary stuff.  Their contents should not matter.  

You still haven't given us details of "the damage".   What do you think is wrong?    And if you know that then repair is easy.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
So as kaynezhang said I found the oldest alfresco.war and share.war bak, renamed them, stoped tomcat, executed apply_amps script and restarted the server. It did not help.

I installed alfresco on the win7 and checked the tomcat\webapps\alfresco\ folder. It seems that everything is the same with my damaged base. The only folder that is missing on my damaged base is \tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\attachments but I dont think it is important

I tried to delete \tomcat\webapps\alfresco\ so that tomcat could create a new one, but still no success.

I tried to delete also \webapps\share\ folder. no effect (

I still get to the same problem:  I cannot enter db or localhost:8080/alfresco/ only /share/. I have pass problems + the skin of alfresco is light (wich is set by default) where as my alfresco had blue theme. So maby tomcat created some kind of a new base and tries to connect to the wrong one? I have no clue. Mby I can send some more reports for advise on what to try next?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Have you tried to restore the old alfresco/share war bak file without applying amps to it. There maybe something wrong with your original alfresco/share war package.
From your previous log file ,it seems you are missing some jar package,for example apache common logging.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I dont really no how can I restore .jar without using aply_amps script. Can you help me on that?
If some .jar files r missing, mby I should search for them on the clean install and then copy them to my base?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Mby I can give access to my server via teamviewer to find the solution?