06-15-2012 03:35 AM
06-15-2012 03:38 AM
06-15-2012 03:48 AM
06-15-2012 05:20 AM
You're assumption is right. The dueDate on the task is just a property of the task, query able through our API. An expired due date doesn't influence process-flow. A timer can.
06-15-2012 05:53 AM
<boundaryEvent id="escalationTimer" cancelActivity="true" attachedToRef="firstLineSupport">
The Task's dueDate can be set using an expression:
<userTask id="theTask" name="Important task" activiti:dueDate="${dateVariable}"/>
06-15-2012 05:55 AM
06-18-2012 09:29 AM
06-20-2012 03:40 AM
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