thank you both for your support.
Unfortunately linkvalidation.pollInterval was set to 0 already. I even set lazy-init to false and true, without any effect.
However my virtualized alfresco application contains the following libraries: alfresco-core, alfresco-repository, alfresco-share, alfresco-web-client, alfresco-web-framework and alfresco-webscript-framework.
After some further investigations i can deliver the following results:
- copying all the libs from (virtual)WEB-INF/lib wo catalina/work takes 10 seconds per sandbox. I hardcoded this, because we experienced a lot of problems with stale webscripts in our application. The method called is setRepositories().
- The next big time is "wasted" while spring starts loading. While loading the beans and listeners (XMLWebApplicationContext) takes about 50seconds :shock:
Is there any possibility that the libraries of virt-server and alfresco-server clash? Any timeouts??