Hi everyone, I have three questions about Alfresco 3.0 (and Alfresco in general).
1- I'd like to know weather Alfresco 3.0 and 2.2 can run on AIX server (in particular AIX 2.5). I don't see it in the supported stacks page while I can read on this forum people who try to run previous releases (alfresco 1.4 for example) on AIX. So, I wonder if it's really possible and stable to do so or if it's totally inadvisable.
2- According to this page http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Alfresco_Repository_Architecture ,the Application Server includes the Alfresco Applications and the Repository, so some how Presentation Tier and Business Tier are not separated. Is it possible to deploy Alfresco (3.0) by separating those two tiers in order to build a "pure" 3-Tier architecture for security matters ? It's a very important point in my company (I mean, have an application in which the three tiers are deployed on three different servers).
3- I saw that an 3.0 SP2 release is planed (a release which supports Websphere 6) and I'd like to know when it'll be available. Someone Knows ?
1) I think alfresco does run on AIX although there are some problems related to the IBM JVM that you will find discussed on this and other similar product's forums. It is possible to run Alfresco on AIX.
2) The "share" application provides Alfresco with a "pure" three tier architecture. But the "alfresco" explorer client is embedded in the alfresco repository, and will not be easily separated, you may like to think of the alfresco explorer as an administration interface.
3) WebSphere support and the next service pack are due this week (and may have already been released.)