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Share Visualisation Office/Openoffice

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Je viens de mettre en place Alfresco 3.3G sur une Ubuntu 10.04 (sous plateforme ESXi).

Alfresco est accessible en explorer et en share mais sur ce dernier j'ai un probleme en effet la visualisation des fichiers doc, xls, odt… ne se fait pas je ne peux visualiser que les PDF, et les images jpg.

J'ai cherche sur les forums francais et US mais je n'ai pas avance voici un extrait de mon fichier de configuration :

# External locations

Je precise j'ai bien openoffice sur le serveur en version 3.2 (installation effectuée par le biais de l'OS).

Avez vous une idée ???

Merci d'avance,


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Bon je tourne en rond, voila j'ai tente de modifier le chemin (openoffice) reinstallation swftools mais toujours rien, aj'ai egalement essaye ceci:

/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" -nologo -headless -nofirststartwizard &


Je viens de lancer Alfresco avec cette commande pour voir les erreurs: sh start && tail -f tomcat/logs/catalina.out

j'ai deux zones avec erreurs

GRAVE: A web application created a ThreadLocal with key of type [org.alfresco.repo.p                                                                          olicy.BaseBehaviour.StackThreadLocal] (value [org.alfresco.repo.policy.BaseBehaviour                                                                          $StackThreadLocal@612c36]) and a value of type [java.util.Stack] (value [[]]) but fa                                                                          iled to remove it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, th                                                                          e ThreadLocal has been forcibly removed.
30 juil. 2010 15:21:31 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearThreadLocal                                                                          Map
GRAVE: A web application created a ThreadLocal with key of type [org.alfresco.repo.p                                                                          olicy.BaseBehaviour.StackThreadLocal] (value [org.alfresco.repo.policy.BaseBehaviour                                                                          $StackThreadLocal@19d9393]) and a value of type [java.util.Stack] (value [[]]) but f                                                                          ailed to remove it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, t                                                                          he ThreadLocal has been forcibly removed.
30 juil. 2010 15:21:31 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearThreadLocal                                                                          Map
GRAVE: A web application created a ThreadLocal with key of type [org.alfresco.repo.p                                                                          olicy.BaseBehaviour.StackThreadLocal] (value [org.alfresco.repo.policy.BaseBehaviour                                                                          $StackThreadLocal@1a23daf]) and a value of type [java.util.Stack] (value [[]]) but f                                                                          ailed to remove it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, t                                                                          he ThreadLocal has been forcibly removed.
30 juil. 2010 15:21:31 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearThreadLocal                                                                          Map
GRAVE: A web application created a ThreadLocal with key of type [org.alfresco.repo.p                                                                          olicy.BaseBehaviour.StackThreadLocal] (value [org.alfresco.repo.policy.BaseBehaviour                                                                          $StackThreadLocal@1cf8e74]) and a value of type [java.util.Stack] (value [[]]) but f                                                                          ailed to remove it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, t                                                                          he ThreadLocal has been forcibly removed.
30 juil. 2010 15:21:31 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearThreadLocal                                                                          Map

15:23:00,272  INFO  [alfresco.util.OpenOfficeConnectionTester] The OpenOffice connection was re-established.
15:29:00,019  ERROR [alfresco.util.OpenOfficeConnectionTester] The OpenOffice connection has been lost.

Autrement je pense refaire l'installation.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Je viens de faire une nouvelle installation en sur une Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS en suivant ce tutorial

Et bien j'ai toujours le même probleme impossible de visualiser les doc, xls, odt dans le share.

Il y a une chose que je ne comprends pas comment en commentant dans mon fichier les lignes:
# ooo.exe=/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice
# ooo.enabled=true
# img.root=/usr
# swf.exe=/usr/bin/pdf2swf

est-il possible de visualiser les pdf ???