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Share Edit Form - Drop Down List Required / Mandatory Field

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have a question about drop down lists and required fields.  I have implemented a drop down list property in an edit form.  It is a field of type d:text with a constraint of a list of Allowed values.  It works, but I would like to enhance it.

Desired behavior:

I would like for the first value to be something indicating that the user needs to select something, like "– Please Select a Value –".  Then, when the user clicks Save, if the selected value is "– Please select a Value –" (the first one in the list and the default), they get a message stating that they need to select a value.  This is how I would like to implement Required or Mandatory fields with a drop down list.

Current State:

For now, I have configured the list to have a value of blank as the first value and it works, but I would like this value not to be blank, but rather tell the user that they need to select something.

Current configuration in custom model XML:
(note:  implemented mandatory=true with a blank value first.)

List Constraint:

<constraint name="mt:constraintDocStatusList" type="LIST">
    <parameter name="allowedValues">
      <value>Pending Review</value>
    <parameter name="caseSensitive">

Aspect Property:

<property name="mt:docStatusList">
      <constraint ref="mt:constraintDocStatusList" />

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
So basically all you need to do is for your empty list item, you want to make the label of the dropdown list option "–Please Select a Value–" instead of just a blank option?

Assumming that the user interface that you're working in is Share, you should just be able to write a custom JavaScript validator to override the default MANDATORY constraint validator.  Your form configuration would looks something like this…

               <js src="/js/my-custom-validator.js" />
      <config evaluator="aspect" condition="my:aspect">
               <show id="my:property" />
               <field id="my:property">
                                       <constraint type="MANDATORY" validation-handler="Alfresco.forms.validation.myValidator" event="blur" />

Then you just need to write your validator such that "" and "–Please Select a Value–" are invalid values.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you.  I will research implementation of custom validators and take the approach that you have outlined.  I will post my success when finished.  In the mean time, can you point me to the best reference material on implementing custom validators, since I have not done this before (e.g. where to put the .js file, an example of another validator I can leverage and tweak a few things)?

Thanks again!


Here are some additional resources that might be helpful:

Here is a simple example that validates that a metadata field does not contain the slash "/" character:

Alfresco.forms.validation.fileName = function fileName(field, args, event, form, silent, message)
   var valid = false;
   if(YAHOO.lang.trim(field.value).length == 0)
      valid = false;
      if(field.value.indexOf("/") == -1)
         valid = true;
   if(!valid && YAHOO.lang.trim(field.value).length != 0)
      Dom.addClass(, "invalid");

      if (!silent && form)
         form.addError("Name cannot contain the slash character \"/\".");
      Dom.removeClass(, "invalid");
   return valid;

I hope this helps.
