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Searching in-flight Workflow instances

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I have a strong need of building an UI for searching among workflow in-flight (or even completed) processes.
This search could, for example, be run about :
- Workflow native metadata , i.e statuses (On hold, cancelled etc …), priority etc …
- Workflow custom properties
I know about the workflow-console, but it cant be used by my customer, because it is not user-friendly enough. Moreover, you cannot run searches using this console.

So, here are the few questions I have :
- Are Workflow instances indexed by Lucene ?
- Are workflow instances viewable by the node browser ?
- I imagined a few scenarios for achieving my goal. What do you think of them :
a/ Modify Alfresco Search (and maybe Lucene indexing if processes are not indexed) and build a screen to display results about workflow instances
b/ Modify the Workflow Java classes so that whenever a workflow is started, a plain-txt file is automatically attached, and populated by the values of the tasks'properties. After each task, the file would be automatically updated with the pieces of info I need to search against. At the end of the process, the file is stored in a dedicated space.
c/ Build a webscript dedicated to workflow search. This will be very hard and expensive, but could be used in the future in a portal like Liferay.

Thank you

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
for mine, it is too …
I promise it's kinda hard and expensive to meet the requirements …

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
looks like i will have to get freindly with the workflow avascript api and create my own webscripts! i will see you in 10 years when i have taught myself how to do it!  Smiley Very Happy

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
you re about to struggle with the Workflow javascript API …
So please support my request for a better documentation

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
turns out that there is a solution in the pipeline!

and its down as critical so hopefully it will be in labs soon(ish)

Please vote for it if you would like this functionality!