I am trying to write an action that creates thumbnails in the background.
This action:
-executes a query to see what needs to be thumbnailed
-if no results exits
-iterates through the result adding thumbnails and adds a marker aspect to the node
-Sleeps for 10 seconds
-and executes query again.
I tested this with one node and it runs over and over again. It is not finding the aspect in the query.
Here is the code (groovy):
protected void processAction( String query) {
List<NodeRef> nodeRefs = createQueue(query)
if (nodeRefs.size() == 0) return
transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper().doInTransaction(new RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback<Boolean>(){
public Boolean execute() throws Throwable {
for (nodeRef in nodeRefs) {
Action action = actionService.createAction(DermThumbnailAction.NAME)
actionService.executeAction(action, nodeRef)
return true;
processAction( query)
Here is the output of my log:
2013-04-23 09:37:34,124 INFO [alfresco.actions.DermThumbnailProcessor] [defaultAsyncAction1] Starting thumbnail process…
2013-04-23 09:37:34,130 DEBUG [alfresco.service.ADPSearchService] [defaultAsyncAction1] Getting nodes using query: TYPE:"adpp:doc" -ASPECT:"adpp:thumbnailAspect"
2013-04-23 09:37:35,484 DEBUG [alfresco.service.ADPSearchService] [defaultAsyncAction1] Search TYPE:"adpp:doc" -ASPECT:"adpp:thumbnailAspect" returned 1
2013-04-23 09:37:35,542 DEBUG [alfresco.actions.DermThumbnailAction] [defaultAsyncAction1] Does not have a thumbnail workspace://SpacesStore/dfe35ea2-dcfb-4e30-9cad-fcb635cef523
2013-04-23 09:37:35,543 DEBUG [alfresco.service.ADPThumbnailService] [defaultAsyncAction1] Creating thumbnail for workspace://SpacesStore/dfe35ea2-dcfb-4e30-9cad-fcb635cef523
2013-04-23 09:37:36,548 INFO [alfresco.service.ADPThumbnailService] [defaultAsyncAction1] Thumbnail created for workspace://SpacesStore/dfe35ea2-dcfb-4e30-9cad-fcb635cef523
2013-04-23 09:37:46,553 DEBUG [alfresco.service.ADPSearchService] [defaultAsyncAction1] Getting nodes using query: TYPE:"adpp:doc" -ASPECT:"adpp:thumbnailAspect"
2013-04-23 09:37:46,566 DEBUG [alfresco.service.ADPSearchService] [defaultAsyncAction1] Search TYPE:"adpp:doc" -ASPECT:"adpp:thumbnailAspect" returned 1
2013-04-23 09:37:46,569 DEBUG [alfresco.actions.DermThumbnailAction] [defaultAsyncAction1] Already has a thubmnail workspace://SpacesStore/dfe35ea2-dcfb-4e30-9cad-fcb635cef523
2013-04-23 09:37:56,570 DEBUG [alfresco.service.ADPSearchService] [defaultAsyncAction1] Getting nodes using query: TYPE:"adpp:doc" -ASPECT:"adpp:thumbnailAspect"
2013-04-23 09:37:56,579 DEBUG [alfresco.service.ADPSearchService] [defaultAsyncAction1] Search TYPE:"adpp:doc" -ASPECT:"adpp:thumbnailAspect" returned 1
Never finds the aspect via search but finds it when I do a check for the aspect before adding the thumbnail. I must be doing something wrong.