Is there any script available which takes care of uploading the default folder structure into the web project in the staging sandbox.
I need to write a script for doing so.
Let me know below steps looks correct or not for doing so. 1. Create a zip file with default folder structure. 2. Write Java baked web script which will do the following things. 2.1. Java code should first invoke the bulk import functionality and add the default folder structure zip file. 2.2. Java code should then invoke 'Submit All' functionality to submit it to the staging sandbox.
I want to have a functionality of allowing web users to create contents using web forms. Hence, using the WCM feature to do so.
Content created will be fetched by the front-end web application.
Hence, I want to create a default folder structure and define the hierarchy of folders and can define the folder path in my web forms where to store the contents.
I don't require a web application to be developed using WCM.